"Jump, Jumper, Jump!"
Let's tap (click) the screen when the jumper comes over the jumping base.
If you tap (click), the jumping base will accumulate power.
Release the tap (click), big jump!
How far can you jump?
When playing with IchigoLatte, press the button.
IchigoLatte details here.
var c_x=15; var c_c=128; var x=0,y=10; function step(){ x=x+1; var chara=251+x%2; lc(x-1,y);log(" "); lc(x,y);log(chr(chara)); } function record(m){ lc(13,15);log(m," meters\n"); } function byeEnd(){ var cata_y=y+1; while(cata_y<23){ cata_y=cata_y+1; lc(c_x,cata_y-1);log(" "); lc(c_x,cata_y);log(chr(c_c)); sleep(50); } lc(c_x,cata_y);log(" "); record(0); exit(0); } function thrEnd(){ while(x<31){ step(); sleep(200); } record(0); exit(0); } function bend(){ var chara=250; var down=1; var pow=0; while(down){ pow=pow+3; y=y+1; lc(x,y-1);log(" "); lc(x,y);log(chr(chara)); lc(x,y+1);log(chr(c_c)); if(y>22){ down=0; pow=0; } sleep(200); down=btn(); } return pow; } function extend(pow){ var chara=249; var high=0; while(pow>0){ if(y>10){ y=y-1; lc(x,y);log(chr(chara)); lc(x,y+1);log(chr(c_c)); lc(x,y+2);log(" "); }else{ lc(rnd(31),0);log(chr(chara)); scroll(2); lc(x,y);log(chr(chara)); lc(x,y+1);log(" "); pow=pow-(rnd(pow)%3==0); } high=high+1; sleep(50); } return high; } function fall(){ var chara=249; while(y<23){ y=y+1; lc(x,y-1);log(" "); lc(x,y);log(chr(chara)); sleep(100); } lc(x,y);log(" "); } function jumping(){ var pow=bend(); var high=extend(pow); fall(); record(high); exit(0); } function gnd(){ var g_x=0,g_y=y+1; while(g_x<32){ var g_c=143; if(g_x==c_x) g_c=c_c; lc(g_x,g_y);log(chr(g_c)); g_x=g_x+1; } } cls(); gnd(); while(1){ step(); sleep(300); if(x<c_x){ if(btn()==1) byeEnd(); } // else if if(x==c_x){ if(btn()==1) jumping(); } // else if if(c_x<x){ thrEnd(); } }