On the top page, programs that users have posted are displayed.
Click a thumbnail or title to see details.
Click "PLAY!" when you have played with a program. Click "GOOD!" when you like a program.
You can find programs of which you have clicked "PLAY!" and "GOOD!" in "MyList".
If you like the author (programmer) of the program, click the "Follow" button to follow this author.
You can search a program using "search box" on the top.
Enter a keyword on your mind and search for programs.
If the search box is left blank, all the programs are displayed.
The HOT in the top page displays the programs that have been drawing attention.
The NEW displays the programs that have recently been posted.
NEW The NEW FOLLOWER displays the programs that have recently been posted by the users you have followed.
By clicking "Post a Program", program post page will open.
There are 3 ways to post a program.
・Title/Description:You can enter the title and description of the program to post.
・Tag:You can add tags related to the posted program. *Multiple tags can be added.
・Show/Hide:You can decide whether or not to show others a program to post.
Once you have finished entering the information, press the "Post" button to complete the posting process. *You can edit the posting details later.
You can press the "My App" button to move to the "My App" page that allows you to write a program on your browser.
In the "My App," you can use the programming language, JavaScript, to create a game app that runs in a browser.
You can publish an app you create for others to play with it.
In addition, by applying for app registration, you can sell your program as an iPhone app or android app.